Charting our own course...

In days of old, sailors would keep a journal while at sea to chronicle their lives as they travelled the world in search of adventure... and perhaps an ounce or two of treasure. In this spirit, our family has also set its own course. My husband's career as a naval aviator keeps us travelling to distant shores... adventures await with every new 'port 'o call' we visit! Because of our nomadic lifestyle we have also embarked upon the adventure of homeschooling our twin boys, age 6 (aka: The Crew). The Crew started their 2nd grade work on 06 Aug 2012. I hope you'll enjoy our story as we chart our own course thru life and set sail on new adventures... gathering our stories and treasure along the way.

Fair Winds and Following Seas my friends!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

A new bottle bobs among the waves….

Sand castles, seashells, strawberry fields, first roller coaster rides, tire swings, firecrackers, flip flops, sunblock, ice cream cones, moving vans, bubble wrap, sad good-byes, hopeful greetings, green swimming pools with frogs, playgrounds, zoo trips, s’mores, glow sticks, campfires, leaf collections and the sound of rain on our tent.  These memories (and so many more) I will cherish when I look back at the Summer of ‘09.  As I toss yet another bottle out into the swirling currents of our wake, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on my life and how rich it has become.  I am so thankful everyday for my loved ones and the joy they bring to my life.  It’s been a great summer… and now I turn toward the future with great anticipation.  Fall arrives today at 5:18pm EST, and on the horizon I can catch glimpses of all the wonderful memories that have yet to be made.  My favorite time of the year is upon us…  Let the fun begin!

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